Roman Meleshin

Docs – WordPress Theme Glowz

Color Settings

The theme color palette is a core feature of WordPress. The theme supports editing palette colors in the Styles of the Site Editor.

To edit Color Palette:

  • Open WordPress Admin Dashboard;
  • Go to Appearance → Editor;
  • Click Styles on the left sidebar;
  • Click Colors on the right sidebar;
  • Edit colors using a color picker.

Read in the WordPress documentation:

The theme supports Dark and Light color modes. The colors of both modes are based on the theme palette. By default, dark mode displays light text on a dark background, and light mode displays dark text on a light background, but the theme palette can be changed in the Site Editor and the colors can be changed in any way.

The color mode can be set for the entire site, for a post type, for a page or template, for a section of a page or for a section of template.

Color modes for the site and post types are set in the Customizer.

To set default Color Modes:

  • Open WordPress Admin Dashboard;
  • Go to Appearance → Customize →Default Theme Settings → Color Modes.

The color mode for а page is set in the page editor on the right sidebar.

To set page Color Mode:

  • Open Page in the Page Editor;
  • Click Page Options icon on the top right;
  • Select Color Mode in the right sidebar.

Glowz Section blocks have a color mode in their settings. You can set the color mode for part of a block or page, or for the entire page or template, if all other blocks are wrapped in Glowz Section.

To set Color Mode for section:

  • Open Page in the Page Editor;
  • Select Glowz Section block or add Glowz Section block;
  • Select Color Mode in the block settings on the right sidebar in the Color Settings section.
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