Roman Meleshin

Docs – WordPress Theme Glowz

Theme Blocks

The theme includes blocks that are used in the theme patterns and templates. To use these blocks, Glowz Extension must be activated. This is a plugin that contains all the theme blocks. Theme blocks are installed by a separate plugin so that if you switch to another theme, you can continue to use the content created using these blocks. When a theme is activated, a message is displayed indicating that this extension must be activated and a link to install and activate it, if this extension has not yet been activated.

Theme Blocks can be used like regular WordPress blocks in the Page Editor and Site Editor.

To insert a block:

  • Open page or template in the editor;
  • Put cursor in the right place in the content;
  • Click on the plus icon;
  • Select block.

To change block settings:

  • Select a block in the editor;
  • Change the settings on the pop-up toolbar and on the right sidebar.

To change block content:

  • Select a block in the editor;
  • Put cursor in the block content;
  • Edit content.

All blocks have settings on the pop-up toolbar and on the right sidebar. These are the settings of the block itself or the Core Settings supported by the theme or block.
Theme blocks settings have text prompts describing the option to make its purpose clearer.

Glowz Section is the main theme block that is used for page layout. This is a container into which any blocks can be placed. This container sets options for fonts, colors, and layout that affect all the blocks inside.


  • Spaces: Predefined options for space around section content.
  • Layout: Basic layout options that affect the display of content within the section.
  • Scroll Animation: Content animation options during the scroll. Use this option with caution as it affects the device’s performance while scrolling.
  • Animated Background: Animated background options. An animated background is an image animated using WebGL technology. Use this option with caution as it affects device performance. Avoid using large animated images and many sections with animated backgrounds on one page.
  • Background Image: Static background image. Doesn’t affect device performance as much as Animated Background.
  • Color Settings: Color Mode of the section and the colors of the elements within the section. Color Mode sets the default colors of elements.
  • Style: Stylistic options for displaying content within a section.
  • Color Mixing: Algorithm for mixing colors of overlapping elements. Use these options with caution as they may have different effects in different browser versions.
  • Backdrop Filters: Filters applied to the section background. Use these options with caution as they may have different effects in different browser versions.
  • Font: Typography options for section content.
  • Margins: Predefined margins around the section.
  • Sizes: Predefined options for sizes of section and section content.
  • Text Alignment: Aligning text within a section.
  • Writing Mode: Orientation of text within a section.
  • Custom Spaces: Spaces inside the section.
  • Custom Margins: Margins around the section.
  • Custom Sizes: Sizes of section and section content.
  • Lightbox: Which links to open in the pop-up lightbox. If the opening of links is controlled by some third party plugin, using this option may cause a conflict.
  • Link: Link to click on section.
  • Advanced: Core WordPress settings supported by the block.

This block can have a static background or an animated background.

A static background is a Background Color or Background Image.

An Animated Background is an image animated using WebGL technology. Read more in

This block supports also the Scroll Animation for elements inserted into it.

Animations may reduce device performance and should be used with caution.

Links inside this block can be opened in a lightbox with a slider, if this is specified in the block settings.

Read more:

Glowz Heading is a header block. It is used in theme patterns and has theme-specific style options.


  • Toolbar: basic block options.
  • Background Text: Text that appears as a background behind the main text.
  • Layout: Basic layout options that affect the heading format.
  • Scroll Animation: Text animation during the scroll. Use this option with caution as it affects the device’s performance while scrolling.
  • Font: Typography options.
  • Colors: Colors of the elements within the heading.
  • Color Mixing: Algorithm for mixing colors of overlapping elements. Use these options with caution as they may have different effects in different browser versions.
  • Custom Margins: Margins around the heading.
  • Advanced: Core WordPress settings supported by the block.

Glowz Grid is a container for tiling elements. It is convenient for creating galleries or tiled sections.


  • Columns: Specifies how the grid will be divided into columns.
  • Layout: Basic layout options that affect the display of content within the grid.
  • Colors: Colors of the elements within the grid.
  • Sizes: Predefined options for grid sizes.
  • Custom Sizes: Custom options for grid sizes.
  • Custom Margins: Custom options margins around the grid.
  • Advanced: Core WordPress settings supported by the block.

Within Glowz Grid, it is recommended to use Glowz Hover Item and Glowz Section blocks or nested Glowz Grid blocks. It is recommended to insert other blocks not directly into the Glowz Grid, but into the Glowz Section, as they may not have the parameters to display correctly inside the Glowz Grid. Glowz Grid also has filter options that allow to select the elements displayed in the block. These options are only compatible with the corresponded options of Glowz Hover Item and Glowz Section inside the Glowz Grid.

Glowz Hover Item is an image with a link and a hover effect with text. It is convenient to use it inside Glowz Grid to create galleries or independently as a link with a preview. In this block you can also set two images, one that will be displayed in the normal state, and the other when you hover the pointer.


  • Text: Text displayed on hover or below an element depending on settings.
  • Layout: Basic layout options that affect the display of elements within the block.
  • Sizes: Predefined options for grid sizes.
  • Scroll Animation: Animation during the scroll. Use this option with caution as it affects the device’s performance while scrolling.
  • Colors: Colors of the elements within the block.
  • Color Mixing: Algorithm for mixing colors of overlapping elements. Use these options with caution as they may have different effects in different browser versions.
  • Backdrop Filters: Filters applied to the hover overlay. Use these options with caution as they may have different effects in different browser versions.
  • Custom Margins: Custom options margins around the block.
  • Behavior: How to open a link by clicking on the block.
  • Advanced: Core WordPress settings supported by the block.

Glowz Scroll Down is a small icon to show the ability to scroll down. This block can have a link to the anchor of the next block for clickable scrolling.


  • Layout: Main block settings.
  • Colors: Colors of the elements within the block.

Glowz Extended Navbar is designed to display a menu in the Extended Menu template part of the theme. This template part is used by default in theme templates.


  • Layout: Basic layout options that specify the content of the block.
  • Color Settings: Colors of the elements within the block.

Glowz Loading Indicator is designed to display loading icon in the Loading Indicator template part of the theme. This template part is displayed by the Glowz Template Header block if it is not disabled.

This block is intended for use in a loading overlay – the part of the template that is displayed while the page is loading. This block displays an animated icon while the page is loading.

This block has no color settings, but its colors will depend on the current Color Mode or the color settings of the section in which it is inserted. You can wrap it in Glowz Section to customize the color.

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